Saturday, May 30, 2009

Too early for Halloween?

I don't think it's too early to think about Halloween. I love Halloween! Check out my paper crafting blog for all my Halloween goodies! I had to share this quilt pattern because it is SO STINKIN CUTE! I'm really enjoying Amy Bradley's quilt patterns! I found a couple of websites with her patterns...
Amy Bradley Designs
Quilt Bus
Sew Thankful

Fabric Addiction

Well, I did it again! I bought more fabric. I had a gift card to Joann's and got some great deals. But did I really need to add to my stash? I have collected fabric for over 15 years now... I'm not exactly sure what it is that provokes that NEED to buy fabric. I have so many projects lined up now that I think it would last 2 lifetimes! I just recently read about an acronym on Quilt Talk (yahoo group). The acronym describes this addiction pefectly:

S stash
A acquisition
B beyond
L life
E expectancy

I think they will have to mummify me with my fabric when I die! But seriously, how do you stop???? I don't know if it is the smell of the fabric store or what! I have even thought about opening a quilt shop just so that I can be surrounded by that atmosphere! Is that totally crazy? If you have any advice please share! What do you do to suppress your need to buy fabric?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Fab New Find

I found this on the net while searching for a color scheme today... I have posted it on my sidebar as well. Go to the Color Schemer here. I also found some other interesting schemers and palette generators too!